Saturday, May 12, 2007

Asymmetrical Value cut paper on bristol

This was part three of our balance assignment for 2D Design. I chose a design of curviliner shapes and rectalinear shapes that I chose not to use for part two of the project.

Symmetrical balance marker on bristol

The second assignment in my 2D Design class was to create four types of balance using images from photos I took of natural and man made objects, combining them in each design. I struggled quite a bit at the beginning. I asked God to help me bring the two together and He came through! The first design is a refection of the conflict I was feeling when trying to put the two elements together.

All over pattern balance marker on bristol

I combined a sea shell with a spiral staircase in this design. This one was very difficult to work on because of how much it vibrates! These two elements go together in harmony.

Radial balance marker on bristol

In my radial design I combined a flower with an arial view of a spiral sliding board. These two elements live happily together. I had difficulty figuring out the background for a time. This one messes with my eyes.

Asymmetrical balance marker on bristol

In my asymmetrical piece, I wanted to create an atmosphere where nature was winning over man made objects.

Line Study pen and marker on bristol

My first assignment in my 2D Design class was to create non-objective line studies from photos. The aim was to create images that were not copies of the original, but had elements of the original in them.

First Lady pencil on paper

I did this drawing my sophomore year of high school. My art teacher Terry Rotruck knew how to teach photo realism well.

Cartooning class

These are two panel cartoons I created during a January term class. The boy running down the stairs was inspired by my cousin Nick who did this very thing when his family visited with us once! Thanks Nick.

The second was to illustrate a nurery rhyme or fairy tale in one panel. It was a very fun class.

Rose color pencil on paper

The assignment was to select a black and white photo and translate it into color only using 5 specific color pencils. I learned alot about color mixing by doing this piece.

Torso ink pointalism

I did this piece my freshman year of high school. I remember my art teacher telling me to select an image I would not get bored with! I blushed when it came time to work on his nipple :)

Texture self-portrait cut paper

This assignment was another focus on texture using photocopies of various objects. My hair is a lufa! My favorite aspect of this piece is the background. I cut the original image of myself in curved pieces and placed them together.

Non-objective texture cut paper

The assignment was to create a non-objective piece using photocopies of various objects.